Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kids say the darndest things...

Today I had a patient that brought his 4 year old daughter with him to his appointment. The idea was for him to get his teeth cleaned first so that she could see that he was okay and then I would clean her teeth next. While she was waiting for me to get finished, she wandered back and forth from coloring her dental worksheets that I gave her to coming to see what I was doing and asking questions, etc. The following conversation ensued:

Little girl: "Guess what my Daddy has?"
Me: "What?"
Little girl? "A peeeenisss"
Little girl: "You know why he has a peeenisss?"
Me: "why?"
Little girl: "because he has a x chromosome and a y chromosome"
Me: still LAUGHING but very impressed.
Father: "bet you never thought you'd hear that today!" (as he turned 10 shades of red)

Apparently they went to a bbq over the weekend and the kids were asking about the difference between boys and girls. She paid attention! Too funny!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Deep sea fishing trip

Yesterday Lee went on a deep sea fishing with his friend Dave, who chartered a fishing boat out of Calabash, NC. They went out about 7:30 am and were out all day. About 10-12 people went and Lee said about half of them were sea sick because the swells were about 4-8 feet and tossed them around quite a bit. You wouldn't catch me out there!! So today we will be grilling/frying some fish!


Sea bass

Red snapper



Happy Memorial Day everyone! “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”
-Joseph Campbell

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lazy Sunday...well sort of.

Happy Sunday everyone! I'm here alone at the house today since Erik is in Georgia and Lee is in NC deep sea fishing. So since I could sleep in of course I wasn't able to. I've been working on some projects around the house today. Here are a few of them...

This is a picture frame my sister gave me. Nope, those aren't pictures of us. I'm just still waiting for my ink cartridge to arrive in the mail. I didn't realize that when I got my cool new Kodak 3-in-one printer that the only place you could order ink cartridges from was online. They don't carry them in any stores. So, until that arrives, the good looking people get to remain in the frames a little longer.

One of my favorite quotes. I found this when my friend Karan went on our monthly shopping trip to Hobby Lobby Friday.

I finally put my memo board up above the computer. Now I have a home for my stamps & little photos.

I found this iron scrolley thingy at Hobby Lobby too. Not sure Lee was too crazy about it but he let me put it up over the front door anyway.

Another favorite saying. You know I've run out of space to put things when I start hanging things above the doorways. A trick I learned from my friend Andrea. :)

These planters & flowers for the deck railings were my Mother's Day present. I love them!

Flowers Lee bought for me yesterday, just because. :)

Self portraits never turn out well do they?

Okay, so now that I've done everything around the house I must do the thing I avoid most and make a run to wal-mart for Jake and Zach's dog food before they go on strike. Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lauren update

Lauren is starting to feel a little better. I managed to get some mashed potatoes and pudding in her earlier today. Her right side is still very swollen so she's alternating the ice packs and the heating pad and still having to take her pain meds. Thank you to Cameron for the very pretty flowers and to Papa & Patte for the sweet card. :) I'm hoping by tomorrow she'll be mostly recovered.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Amy had this song posted on her blog and I had to swipe it. It goes out to all of my family and friends that have a little "Superman" sleeping on their couch. Very sweet song.

Oral Surgery day for La...

This morning Lauren had her wisdom teeth taken out. Poor thing. She's pitiful right now with that ice pack wrapped around her head. She only had 3 wisdom teeth instead of 4 (for my dental friends - she was missing #17). I think she was dreading getting the IV in her arm more than anything else. She was hard to wake up from the general anesthesia and they said that she may be sleepy for several hours. The nurse and I were doing our best to wake her up enough so they could clear her to go home, but it was really hard. Lauren & I have a habit of keeping a rubber band around our wrist to pull our hair back. As I was trying to rouse her after the surgery, I noticed it on her wrist and knew she wouldn't need it so I took it off of her arm and threw it in my purse. She opened her eyes and started crying and reaching for it. I can't wait to tell her about that in a few days when she's better. So anyway, she's in there asleep on the couch with the elastic back on her wrist. I hope she recovers soon! It will be ice cream and mashed potatoes for the next few days.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

I've had a wonderful day! My sweet husband made me my favorite dinner, burgers on the grill with all the fixins'. YUM!!
This is the sweet card Erik made for me. Don't tell him I told you this, but I think he inherited the "scrapbooking" gene from me. Shhh!
What's really sweet about this is that he actually read my last blog post. Wow. I love you Erik!

Yellow roses from my sweet daughter. She knows these are my favorite!
I also got my beautiful Mother's rings a couple of months ago. (I couldn't wait!) :)
Happy Mother's Day everyone!!

Remember these?

A friend and I were talking a week or two ago about Tupperware of all things. I was telling her how much Tupperware we had when I was growing up and that my favorite of all time was the Popsicle makers, and how I would love to find a set. So guess what she brought me the other day?! I know this may not seem too exciting to most but I was thrilled! I used to love making pudding pops, or kool-aid pops for my sisters and I during the summer. Can't wait to have pudding pops later today. Thanks Greta!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Why didn't you tell me it was this hard???

Someone once posed that question to me about motherhood. "Why didn't you tell me it was this hard?" At the time I was thrown off guard by it. Now I just know there are a lot of things that we don't tell each other about motherhood. We just do most of it without thinking like we are on autopilot. You get in a routine and it seems everyday just repeats itself over and over. Maybe since I was the oldest child I kind of had an idea of what to expect. I knew how to handle the diapers, the crying, and numerous other tasks that come with babies and toddlers. Plus, like most mothers, the first thing I did when I found out I was pregnant was go out and buy the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting." Now I see that they have the book "What to Expect the First Year." So I'm pretty sure that since this book was published many moons ago that these people have grown children now. So why didn't they finish writing the whole series? Where is the book "What to Expect When They Start Dating", or "What to Expect When They Wreck Their First Car", or better yet -"What to Expect When They Move Out." This will be my first Mother's Day with only one of my children here. Wednesday after work I helped Lauren finish moving into her apartment. We went to Wal-Mart and got her stocked up on dishes, silverware, food, etc. etc. I'm here to warn you, it's hard. Really hard to let her go. I read an article in She magazine (a local women's magazine here) the other day while they had me sitting under the hair dryer at the beauty salon. It was of course the Mother's Day issue so there were a lot of articles about mother's and daughters. There was an article where this woman was describing the void in her life since her daughter moved out and I couldn't even finish reading it because I didn't want to become a blubbering idiot right there in the beauty shop. Anyway, she said she wished she could have a "Do-over." ME TOO!!! I miss her car sitting out in the driveway. I miss my hug and kiss goodnight. I miss seeing that once again she's taken my hairbrush or makeup and forgotten to give it back. I want her to be little again and ask me to read to her or watch "Jungle Book" with her for the third time in one day. I miss her. Thank goodness she's still here in town. So here's where I learn to let go and just take a supporting role. Wednesday after I came back to the house after she was gone, I went into her room and sat on her bed. It was so empty. That's when I noticed a little statue on the dresser that she had left behind. An Angel, kneeling - holding a nest with two little baby birds in it. It reminded me of something someone told me once when I was nervous about letting my kids start driving. She said that you had to give them wings and let them fly. So true. So I went and found my one little bird that is still living in the nest. I have a whole year left with Erik before he moves out. It's his turn to be an only child. He's pretty okay with that. :)

So to all of you Mother's out there.... Take this opportunity to watch that movie with them again, or to read that SAME book they love so much one more time. Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification

Friday, May 1, 2009

Next time you dread housework and laundry...

Ok, usually I do NOT blog this much...it just seems I have had a little down time to catch up lately. Can't promise the "blog bug" will continue too long though. Lots of times I feel like I can't keep up with the housework and laundry in my house. It's so overwhelming at times that I don't know where to start, and a lot of times things get pushed to the side during the week while I'm working. Plus it's a rare weekend that I'm actually home to catch up with everything. Needless to say most of the time I dread going home and seeing how much needs to be done at the end of a long work day. Today though, I have a new perspective. As I'm sure all of you have heard, many homes in North Myrtle Beach were destroyed by the fires. Tonight after dinner, Lee and I drove through the hardest hit neighborhood. It was devastating. About 80 homes were burned to the ground. Those people lost everything. It's amazing how we can take things for granted. I'm thankful that I have a (messy) house to go home to. P pray that these people are able to put their lives back together as soon as possible.

By the way, on the way out, there were two fire trucks still working to put out the remaining flames. This fire has been burning for a week. They are still having to close highways during the day because of the smoke.

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