One of the hardest things in the world must be trying to raise someone else's kids. The deck is already stacked against you. I mean, how do you ever really feel like you are "in" the inside circle of a family unit that you marry into? I have no step children so I don't know. Lee has stepped up and been Lauren & Erik's Father for 11 years now. He's been there through the temper tantrums when they were little. Through good times & bad, he's been there steadfast, my rock and support system. He's the one that was firm but fair when I was exasperated and ready to throw in the towel when Erik and I were going through our tough years from the time he was 12 until he was about 16. I'm not proud to admit this, but there was a time that I decided that I just couldn't "parent" Erik anymore. I actually kicked him out. I was so angry and frustrated and scared that I decided this was the best option and was ready to just give up and admit that I was a failure as a parent and keep Erik and I from verbally and physically hurting each other. It was that bad. Lee was the one that came home and told me how wrong I was for giving up on my own child and took me up to the police department and tell them what I had done so they could get us some help. Luckily Erik was just up the street at his friends house the whole time and he was back in his own bed the very same evening that I kicked him out. What I'm trying to say is this: It's tough being a parent when the children are biologically yours. It seems like it would be a whole lot easier to give up if they were your step-children. Lee has never given up on them and chastised me for doing so. We owe so much to him for how much of a positive influence he has been in our lives. He is very generous but at the same time he teaches them a good work ethic. For example, he bought them both a car but insists they pay for the insurance and maintenance and taxes, etc. He truly loves Lauren and Erik and wants the very best for them. Thank you babe, for all that you do. We love you!!
That being said I must say something about the man that raised my wonderful husband. Lee's Dad (Harry) is definitely one of the best people I've ever been fortunate enough to know. He is without a doubt the most dependable person I've ever known. He has this "tough guy" exterior but there isn't anything he wouldn't do to help someone. I see that by all of the things I know he does for others. I know that every week he is going to call or come visit and that if we needed anything he would be a phone call away. He's the hardest working man I have ever known and I see that this is where Lee got his work ethic from. Happy Father's Day Dad! We love you.

I have to talk about my own "Step-Father" who became my Dad when I was 3 years old. Again, he stepped up and became a Dad and was very good to me. He didn't have to be. Thanks Dad. I will always love you.

And last but certainly not least....My second Dad. This man took me in as a teenager and treated me as his own child. He gave me a safe haven when it was crucial and changed my life. He's the most sweet, gentle soul I've ever met and an angel. I love him with all my heart. I love you Dad. A million thanks for everything you did to help me. Happy Father's Day!!

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