If you haven't seen the movie Julie and Julia, you have to see it. I don't remember ever laughing so hard. It's the story of a woman (Julie) who blogs about cooking her way through Julia Child's first cookbook, while also telling the story of Julia's life. Anyway, one of my favorite scenes is when Julie screws up a recipe and has a full blown 3 year old tantrum on the kitchen floor. I don't know why I liked that scene so much. Maybe because I've had my own share of tantrums like that in the past and could relate to that feeling of having no other option but to throw a tantrum because things were going so wrong. Maybe it's because I no longer have a 3 year old and I don't have to deal with tantrums anymore. Either way, it was great.
I tell you all of this to say that I'm thinking of blogging my own way through a book. NOT a cook book, as that is my husbands department. A craft book, because that is what I like to do in my free time. I have a ridiculous amount of free time since my kids are 18 & 20 and on autopilot. I mean, they still have to come by to "refuel" when they run out of money or food, whichever the case may be. Hunting season is back in full swing so I won't see my husband again until January. So - I've decided to deviate from my love of all things paper and try to work my way through Martha (the female MacGyver)
Stewart's book, Encyclopedia of Crafts.
It has 32 chapters of projects and I am going to try something out of each chapter every week, so it ought to keep me busy for a while. Plus, it will take me out of my comfort zone of working only with paper. I did try to sew last week and Sox decided it wasn't a good idea. He just loves the tissue paper that the patterns are printed on and HAD to lay on it!

So here we go, inspired by the 30 day creativity challenge and bored with making cards, I embark on a new journey...
Stewart's book, Encyclopedia of Crafts.

So here we go, inspired by the 30 day creativity challenge and bored with making cards, I embark on a new journey...