Something has happened to my daughter. For years she's been kind of shy and not so much into being sociable. Those of you very close to me may pick up on what I'm about to say. I used to believe that having a ton of friends was not necessary. I had a "best friend" and I thought that was all I needed. I also used to give this friend a hard time about having other friends partly because I was so insecure that if she spent more time with other people I thought she'd like me less and also because I am very shy and it used to be hard for me to make new friends. (NOT possible with Lee as a husband. He's THE most sociable person I've EVER met). So I kind of shut a lot of other people out of my life and didn't give them the time of day and I forced her (the ex-best friend) to do the same. Something happened a couple of years ago that made me change my way of thinking and what a blessing and a curse it has been for me. But mostly, it encouraged me to tell Lauren how very important it is to "not put all of her eggs in one basket" and to branch out and make new friends. Easier said than done. Mostly throughout high school she had one girl that she hung out with and that was it and I was so worried she was following in my footsteps. Until now. It's like watching a little rosebud open up and display all of its hidden petals. I look at these pictures and smile knowing that it's happening for her. These are relationships that will hopefully follow her throughout her lifetime. She's so happy and animated when she's talking about all of her new friends. And I'm thankful that throughout the past two years, God has made some good out of what I thought was something I wouldn't ever make it through. Life is good. Sometimes we scream and cry and wonder what the lesson is that we are supposed to be learning. I get it. I finally get it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
ADPi pictures
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3:38 PM
Monday, September 22, 2008
The old guy at the gym...
So several months ago I begged Lee to let me sign up for a gym membership. I promised that I would actually go this time (I'm a previous YMCA member). Anyway, I was real gung ho at first and went two days in a row after signing up. Then, for months, nothing. Well, I have recommitted myself to getting healthy and working out several times a week, and actually using the gym instead of just donating money to them every month. Being that today was Monday and the start of a new week, I decided today was the day to get back into the groove. (Not to mention I'm thinking about fitting into that black dress on our cruise next month). First, I had to make a stop at the front desk of the gym and ask them which locker was mine since I'd forgotten. Then once I had that important bit of information, I had to ask them if they could cut my lock off since I had also forgotten the combination to the the lock. Then I had to buy a new lock, and ask them to please store my locker combination in the computer, just in case I forgot it again. So, finally, once all of those details were out of the way and I was properly dressed for the occasion I wandered over to one of the treadclimbers (you know, since I have no idea how to use any of the other intimidating equipment.) To my left was an older man (maybe in his mid to late sixties, just going to town on his treadclimber. Since I really wasn't quite sure how to operate this very complicated piece of equipment and risk looking like I was not a seasoned gym goer, I pushed the big green button that read "QUICK START." After an agonizing 10 minutes on this thing I realized that the 1 hour that this thing said I was going to do, was not going to happen. I finally figured out how to reduce the time to 30 minutes. I would have quit before my 30 minutes was up had it not been for the old guy to my left. I thought surely if he could last the 30 minutes that I would too. Since we both finished up about the same time, we chatted for a minute or two and I asked him if next time he might only go for 20 minutes instead of 30. I told him how he was my motivation. He smiled and told me next time he was going to do 45 minutes. Oh well. I ignored the fact that as I was walking to the locker room to get my things and leave that he headed over to the freeweights to work out even more.... Never underestimate the old people.
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7:51 PM
Long time no post...
Now that we are back into the school routine I guess it's about time I give you all an update. Lauren is officially a college student at Francis Marion University (for those of you that don't know, Francis Marion is a four year college here in Florence). She is living at home this semester but I feel sure that next semester she will live on campus. She joined a sorority (ADPi) and has been very busy with that & work & school work. We're very proud of her!

Erik is a Junior this year at South Florence High School. His first Interims were A's & B's!! He seems to be a little more serious this year about school so far which makes me very happy. He still works at taco bell and he's just very happy to have his car and be more independent. He's also started dating a girl named Jordan. It seems the kids stay so busy that I hardly get to see them enough.Erik & Jordan
I am what I call a "hunting widow" again as hunting season has started. Lee stays pretty busy between work, hunting and his new side job. He's started painting houses on the side for one of his friends that is a builder. So most nights I'm sitting here at the house by myself because everyone is gone. So please - CALL ME if you are bored! I have plenty of time to talk in the evenings and weekends.
I am sure most of you have heard of the networking sites and (Uncle Jim - how about add me to your friends!!) I have reconnected with a lot of old friends and recently met a group of them in Columbia for a girls night out. Well, one guy crashed our party because he happened to be at the same restuarant we met at. He really thought he was something - one guy with all of us girls. : )
Sorry about the quality of this picture. I'm waiting for someone to send me a better one. These are some more friends, Becky, Sheri, Deanna, Kim, Sheila, Alyce, me, Lance & Michelle. My high school reunion (20 years) is next summer. I can't believe I'm getting so OLD!!
That's about all for now. I hope everyone is doing well! Please call or come visit if you get the chance! We'd love to see you!
Posted by
5:29 PM
- Best friends (1)
- Credit (1)
- Cruise (1)
- Great song (1)
- Q-tip 123 (1)
- Romantic Valentine's in Savannah (1)
- Romantic Valentine's in Southport (1)
- The Good Guy (1)