Now that we are back into the school routine I guess it's about time I give you all an update. Lauren is officially a college student at Francis Marion University (for those of you that don't know, Francis Marion is a four year college here in Florence). She is living at home this semester but I feel sure that next semester she will live on campus. She joined a sorority (ADPi) and has been very busy with that & work & school work. We're very proud of her!

Erik is a Junior this year at South Florence High School. His first Interims were A's & B's!! He seems to be a little more serious this year about school so far which makes me very happy. He still works at taco bell and he's just very happy to have his car and be more independent. He's also started dating a girl named Jordan. It seems the kids stay so busy that I hardly get to see them enough.Erik & Jordan
I am what I call a "hunting widow" again as hunting season has started. Lee stays pretty busy between work, hunting and his new side job. He's started painting houses on the side for one of his friends that is a builder. So most nights I'm sitting here at the house by myself because everyone is gone. So please - CALL ME if you are bored! I have plenty of time to talk in the evenings and weekends.
I am sure most of you have heard of the networking sites and (Uncle Jim - how about add me to your friends!!) I have reconnected with a lot of old friends and recently met a group of them in Columbia for a girls night out. Well, one guy crashed our party because he happened to be at the same restuarant we met at. He really thought he was something - one guy with all of us girls. : )
Sorry about the quality of this picture. I'm waiting for someone to send me a better one. These are some more friends, Becky, Sheri, Deanna, Kim, Sheila, Alyce, me, Lance & Michelle. My high school reunion (20 years) is next summer. I can't believe I'm getting so OLD!!
That's about all for now. I hope everyone is doing well! Please call or come visit if you get the chance! We'd love to see you!
Patti, I have had several invitations to "My Space" and "Face Book" but I have to admit that I do not really know how they work - think it is a generational gap thing. But I am still your friend :o) anyway.
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