I got a cool sticker for my car in the mail from the parent's association at USC. Strange how such a little sticker makes my heart stop. Anyone who knows anything about the past 6 years knows that the teenage years with Erik were somewhat of a challenge. A little less than a year ago, we had such a big knock-down drag out over a cell phone that he went to live with his friend Kenny for a week. If you had asked me back then if I would be sad to see Erik go off to college, you'd have gotten a vehement "NO!" Since then, things have changed for the good. He's changed, or maybe I've changed. Or maybe we both have. The past eighteen years are playing like a movie in my mind. The day my sweet boy was born. The look he gave me when I had to get on a plane to leave for 8 weeks of military training when he was 18 months old. The way he didn't come to me at first when I came back. All the times we played basketball in the driveway. Countless soccer and football games. Christmases, birthdays, times he was sick, all the times he made me laugh, and cry. And angry. The times I cried myself to sleep worrying about if he was going to turn out OK. I was, after all, a second time mother when I had him at 21. He witnessed his parents divorce when he was only seven. He had to move around several different places while I was in the military. Got a step dad, and that wasn't easy for Erik or for Lee. At any rate, we prayed, we cried, we got counseling, but most of all we LOVED. We never gave up on each other. I think all of the trials have made Erik and I so much closer. He's not only my son, he's my friend. I'm going to miss him so much. The last couple of years he's grown so much. He got really serious about school. I think that had a lot to do with his girlfriend of nearly two years, (Jordan). I'm so proud of him that there are no words to explain how thankful and blessed I feel. Erik, if you ever read this I want you to know that I'm so proud of the man you are becoming. I KNOW your heart is good and I know you will be successful in whatever you do. Stay on the right path, and don't forget that beach house you promised me you would buy for me when you get rich. I LOVE YOU!
Sniff, sniff! Love ya'll!
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