After work, Lauren & I bought pumpkins. I carved one, and she... well, she made hers pretty with pearls and glitter. I think they all turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. The men weren't too interested in pumpkin carving (you know it is hunting season, after all). Lauren & I gave out candy tonight and really enjoyed all of the little ones in their costumes. I couldn't resist putting mine back on too. We do not have a cat, by the way. I have never seen this cat before but it decided to keep us company while we were out on the porch tonight. : )
My Co-workers (Dr. Patterson's little girl Anna, Dr. Patterson, Susan, Faith, Angela & me)

Oh how I'd love to be there to carve pumpkins with the girls....maybe soon we will get to hang out again. Love you.
I love your costume!!! Your pumkins are so cute!!
I'm glad you dressed up! I always want to dress up every year, but don't always do it, due to lack of funds and creativity. You ladies made some great little pumpkins too!
Thanks for posting cute stuff about your family on your blog. I always enjoy, even though I'm not the best at commenting!
P.S. A long time ago, Mary asked me if I wanted her blog address, but when I tried to use her e-mail address, it came back to me. Could you send it to me?
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