Ever gone on vacation and when you came back you needed a vacation from the vacation? This was one of those times. Here are a few pictures. The good ones were taken by Lauren. :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Spring Break
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3:14 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Lauren's Prom
I can't believe my little girl is all grown up. Last night was prom night. It has rained non-stop for two days, much to our dismay. We have azaleas in our back yard that are about the color of Lauren's dress so we really wanted to take pictures outside, but it didn't happen. There's also a park nearby that has beautiful flowers and a gazebo where we were going to take pictures but that was a washout too. Oh well, she and Trey got professional pictures at the prom so I'll post some of those when we get them. She and Trey had a good time and she was home just before midnight, safe and sound. The only glitch in the evening was when she called me about 10:45 because the strap on her dress popped. I ran up to the school and pinned it for her and she made it through the rest of the night without any problems. Isn't she just beautiful?
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5:42 AM
Erik's 16th Birthday!
I can't believe Erik is 16 already! Where does the time go? We got Erik an old jeep for his birthday. A couple of you know the significance of this & what a big deal it was. Let's just say that a car is the last thing Erik expected for his birthday. The past few years have been a struggle between he and I from time to time. He's not done anything horrible and is a good kid and has good grades in school. We just struggle for control over curfew, etc. I'm worried that a car will cause more problems in this area because it will give him even more freedom and I worry if he's going to be responsible. At any rate, I have put my faith in the Lord that he'll help us through this and I'm trusting Erik to do the right thing. I've been told by some that Erik will probably do right just so he won't lose his newfound freedom. The rule in the house is that if you drive, you pay your own car insurance, taxes, and gas. Right now Erik is working to save up for insurance money and about to take driver's training, so he isn't driving his car yet but it's out there as a reminder of what he'll have if he does right. I sure do love that boy!
I made the banner myself with my new toy that I got for Christmas! :)
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5:11 AM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The Carolina Cup
Every year there is a horse race in Camden. Think Kentucky Derby on a much smaller scale. It's more of a social event than anything else. I like to go just to see old friends that we haven't seen in a while and to see everyone dressed up. Normally everyone really dresses up and all the girls wear pretty sundresses and hats. This year it was too cold! We spend so much time eating and socializing that I never saw a horse. Hopefully next year this time it will be a little warmer!
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9:49 PM
Lauren & I love to color Easter eggs every year! The guys aren't too thrilled about it, so this is usually an activity reserved for the girls. It seems like every year they come up with some new fangled way to dye the eggs. This year was no exception. I found these little Q-tips that have dye in them, hence the spotted eggs you will see below. The Easter bunny left me a new bubble wand in my basket. : )
Oh, I almost forgot. I have to tell you about one of my blonde moments. I put two big pots of eggs on to boil on the day that we were to color Easter eggs. After a few minutes Lauren asked "Is there some reason you are trying to boil one of these pots of eggs without the water?" Needless to say one pot of eggs was ruined and I had to start over. Which reminds me of another blonde moment I had this past week. We are always in need of milk. I mean, we must go through about 4 or 5 gallons a week. Well, one day this week I stopped by the grocery store and picked up two gallons. It wasn't until the next morning when I went to put a little milk in my coffee that I realized that the milk had never made the journey from the car to the refrigerator the previous evening. There went $8 down the drain! Has anyone else ever done this?
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9:20 PM
Hannah & Savannah's 2nd birthday
I am so far behind on my blog! We've been so busy that this is the first chance I've really had to update it.
Lauren & I went to TN for the twins 2nd birthday party last month. Mary sure knows how to throw a party. I don't think I've ever seen such a well organized, stress free birthday party. Kudos Mary! Take special notice of Hannah & Savannah's cute little outfits in the pictures. My sister Jenny made them. She amazes me with her talent! As you can tell by the last two pictures, it was snowing when Lauren & I left TN to come back home. Not something we get to experience here in SC!
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8:31 PM
- Best friends (1)
- Credit (1)
- Cruise (1)
- Great song (1)
- Q-tip 123 (1)
- Romantic Valentine's in Savannah (1)
- Romantic Valentine's in Southport (1)
- The Good Guy (1)