Here are the rest of Rik's senior pictures. I'm posting the proofs because there's no way we could afford to actually buy all of these pictures. That would require mortgaging the house, or- as the woman that I talked to as Prestige Portraits told me, "You can split it up into 6 payments." Um, no, that's ok. I'll just order the proofs, thanks. They did ask for me to sign a release to use Erik as a model for their advertising. So I'm thinking that would get me a discount. Nope. Anyway, enjoy. He's such a great looking kid!! And smart. He registered for his senior year on Monday. He is taking Probability & Statistics (yuck), Biology 2, and Family/Community Health. He'll be getting out at 1:00 everyday and will finish the school year in December, like his sister did. Where have all the years gone?!