Saturday, August 1, 2009

You need your eyebrow done...

One of my favorite things to do is get a pedicure. For some reason the girl always tells me "You need your eyebrow done." Just one? I don't have a unibrow do I? Anyway, I get that done at the beauty shop so I always turn her down. Lauren just likes the massage chair so last time she didn't even let them pain her toe nails. She just soaked her feet and got the massage. I'm posting this so late that it's already time for another pedicure. It's one of the things on mine & my friend Alyce's to do list today after lunch and the movies! :)


Kristina said...

I'm so pregnant I can't reach my toes (only 4 weeks left) but my sister did them recently and it left me feeling like Maria in West Side Story... "I feel pretty. Oh, so pretty." It is amazing that something so little can make you feel so good!

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