Today I had a patient that brought his 4 year old daughter with him to his appointment. The idea was for him to get his teeth cleaned first so that she could see that he was okay and then I would clean her teeth next. While she was waiting for me to get finished, she wandered back and forth from coloring her dental worksheets that I gave her to coming to see what I was doing and asking questions, etc. The following conversation ensued:
Little girl: "Guess what my Daddy has?"
Me: "What?"
Little girl? "A peeeenisss"
Little girl: "You know why he has a peeenisss?"
Me: "why?"
Little girl: "because he has a x chromosome and a y chromosome"
Me: still LAUGHING but very impressed.
Father: "bet you never thought you'd hear that today!" (as he turned 10 shades of red)
Apparently they went to a bbq over the weekend and the kids were asking about the difference between boys and girls. She paid attention! Too funny!!
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39 minutes ago
Very funny. I can see my kids saying something similar, which is why we have just left it as "girl parts" and "boy parts".
Funny. It reminds me of while we were at the zoo, looking at the Giraffes. A girl close to us told her mom, "that's a boy giraffe" "Oh really? How do you know?" asked her mom. "Right there" the girl pointed. It took the mom a second to realize what the girl was pointing at, and she would have turned red if her skin were light enough. I couldn't help chuckling, while trying not to let my kids participate in the biology class.
Omg! Wish I would of been there for that one! Too funny!
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