This was the blog entry that I tried unsuccessfully to post from my phone the other night. I was taken the evening we went out for Lauren's birthday dinner. I happened to end up behind Erik and Jordan at a stop light and took this picture with my camera phone. It's still amazing to me that this little boy that used to sit in the floor playing with his matchbox cars for hours on end, is now driving around all over town. Hopefully this old Jeep will hold up for a little longer. It's a 1990 model and Erik is a 1992 model. Yikes! He never complains about it and is just thrilled to have a car. :)

Our kids had an old Toyota Corolla station wagon - until Joel rolled it. Thank goodness he was OK - but the car was totaled. A few very scarey hours for us that day until we learned that he was a little bruised but otherwise OK. Erik, please drive carefully, and have a great time. HS days pass all too soon and then it is time for "commencement" or the real "start" of life - which is what "commence" means.
They do grow up fast don't they? We're hoping our Toyota will last to pass on to the kids someday. So far, so good. I'm glad I don't have teenagers yet, but I know that in a blink I'll be there. Looks like you've done well with your kids. I'm taking notes.
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