Sunday, May 10, 2009

Remember these?

A friend and I were talking a week or two ago about Tupperware of all things. I was telling her how much Tupperware we had when I was growing up and that my favorite of all time was the Popsicle makers, and how I would love to find a set. So guess what she brought me the other day?! I know this may not seem too exciting to most but I was thrilled! I used to love making pudding pops, or kool-aid pops for my sisters and I during the summer. Can't wait to have pudding pops later today. Thanks Greta!!


tia said...

I love these things, too! I bought a set a few years ago when my friend hosted a Tupperware party. Perhaps I should dig them out today and make something with the strawberries I just bought... ;)

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