Erik and Jordan (Coker) went to their junior/senior prom a few weeks ago. She goes to West Florence HS and Erik goes to South Florence HS, but they opted to just go to her prom, which was held at the Florence Civic Center. They ate at Myami's before the prom with Erik's best friend Kenny Lee and his girlfriend. Erik claimed before the prom that he was "not going to dance." He told us later that night when he got home that they danced the night away! I am posting the pictures that Jordan's Mom took since they are much better than mine! Aren't they a gorgeous couple? I LOVED seeing my boy all decked out! He's so handsome. And Jordan was absolutely beautiful and I loved her dress! By the way, whatever ideas I had that prom was cheaper for the boys than for the girls were definitely put to rest. It's all expensive. But so worth it, especially since they had such a good time! :)

Beautiful couple! Alena will love these - she was just telling us at Ikea last night that her favorite color patterns are red, black and white and she wants a kitchen with those colors.
Great pictures! They both look great in their fancy clothes. I didn't go to my high school prom, but I have pictures from dances at college.
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